
Monday, October 5, 2009


Even as the global economy begins to show faint signs of recovery, times are still tough, and businesses worldwide are still scrambling to respond. Layoffs, cutting expenses and eliminating employee programmes are all common, knee-jerk responses to financial pressure. But are they the right strategy for the long term?

In the haste to find new customers and keep the ones you already have, it’s all too easy to forget one of the most important aspects of customer loyalty: loyal employees. But it’s a proven fact: loyal employees have a big positive impact on customer loyalty and retention. So keeping employees satisfied and motivated is critical even – and especially – if raises, bonuses and benefits are a thing of the past. Here are a few strategies.

1. Keep communicating with employees through difficult times.

Even when the news is bad, keep your employees informed of changes within the business so that they understand the situation. Don’t allow gossip and hearsay to create unrest and tension within the business; instead, build rapport and trust by being honest with employees. In fact, try two-way communication and ask their opinions: Employees appreciate being asked what they think, and may have some excellent ideas for how the business can be improved.

2. Listen to staff concerns.

The quickest way to alienate your employees and damage morale is to ignore them. While you may not be able to resolve all their concerns about working hours, promotions and pay, the simple act of listening and acknowledging their problems is valuable. Follow up on the problem when and if it is appropriate to do so, and even if you cannot adequately resolve the issue, inform the employee immediately so they at know you at least made an effort.

3. Make sure change occurs at all organisational levels.

It’s entirely possible that staff layoffs cannot be avoided. However, to avoid severely damaging the morale of those employees that remain, it’s important for senior management to share some of the weight of the cuts – either by reductions in pay, bonuses or perks. While employees realise that some changes and cuts must be made in order to adjust to the new realities of business, it will be easier for them to accept if they see changes at all levels of the organisation and not just within their own ranks.

4. Avoid micromanaging.

Your employees are likely under more pressure than ever – just as you are. But even as expectations are raised and demands grow, now is not the time to begin interfering in the work of your team. If you’ve done a good job of hiring, you already have a competent group of people who know what they’re doing, and becoming overly involved in their work may actually cause more problems than it solves. So while it’s smart to have an active interest in your subordinates’ work, try to avoid stepping in until it’s clearly necessary.

5. Remember to say “thank you”.

It’s so simple, and yet possibly the most important thing you can do to boost employee morale and loyalty. Thanking your employees for their contributions, and recognising their hard work and accomplishments is extremely vital, especially in a down economy when monetary bonuses and raises are becoming increasingly uncommon.

Running a business is always difficult, and now more than ever. But with the support and commitment of talented employees, you’ll be much more likely to weather these challenging economic times and emerge stronger.

Any good employer or manager or leader should remember to follow these things at least to a extent to sustain in this un-predictable market.

Human Resource is the most valuable and precious asset a Software or IT organization can have, Because here you are valuaed by the exprieance and talent of a employee not by the hi-tech hardware you have.

Any good employer or manager or leader should remember to follow these. Be good to yourself and others that will bring good things to you from others.

Human Resource is the most valuable and precious asset a Software or IT organization can have, because here you are valued by the experience and the talent of the employee’s, not by the hi-tech hardware you have. Here you do business by marketing (Literally selling human brains) so take care of the brains it has life, happiness, love, affection, good and bad feelings, humor, hatred, sadness, revenge, social status, dependency and lot more. To have a fresh brain and a good human you will (should-must) have to be good with them as humans only then you can expect them to be OK with you.

If you are GOOD with your employee, in return expect them to be OK with you. Over expectorations is a vacuum.

Thanks & Regards,
S.Grace Paul Regan

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