
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Top Executive Recruiters Agree There Are Only Three True Job Interview Questions

The only three true job interview questions are:

1. Can you do the job?
2. Will you love the job?
3. Can we tolerate working with you?

That’s it. Those three. Think back, every question you’ve ever posed to others or had asked of you in a job interview is a subset of a deeper in-depth follow-up to one of these three key questions. Each question potentially may be asked using different words, but every question, however it is phrased, is just a variation on one of these topics: Strengths, Motivation, and Fit.

The Last Question has a great impact. Unless a person by himself realizes that he is an irritating idiot no one can save you when you recruit such kind of person.
He can do his job as well as he loves his job but at end of the day everyone in your Team are irritated by his mannerisms and the method of approach, now what’s the point of recruiting him.
I have personal experience recruiting such guys, Thy do their job but spoils everyone else.
These kinds of people should make a self-study of them self and see why do most of the employees in my new Organization hate me and if they have the attitude to adapt to the new surrounding it’s good. Every ones peace of mind is saved if not your project will become a hell and you will fine nice good old resources moving from your project or becoming less productive.
Why are these people intolerable? It’s simply because of their attitude. They think behaving and trying to act smart will help me win people. But the fact they forget is they are trying to act smart in front of people who have already seen real smart people and people who are trying to act smart and really most of the people hate people who try to act smart, when they are really a dumb ass, the main problem is when you will have to manage those people in your day to day job or maybe he becomes your associate.

Dear friends be cautious when you recruit a person who acts smart, it’s difficult to find at the time of interview if his is acting to be smart or really smart but at times people who act to be smart expose themselves at the time of interview, in such scenario be cautions to find those.

Thanks & Regards,
S.Grace Paul Regan